

Netafim has carried out more than 10,000,000 ha of drip irrigated projects worldwide to date. By increasing yields while lowering nutrient and water usage, drip is the most cost-efficient irrigation solution for growing potatoes.

Our offering covers filtration, fertilizer injection and head control units through to drippers and dripper lines in the field, supported by our agronomic and technical teams.

Netafim UK together with our approved partners can even install, run and retrieve your drip system working around your operational needs – Grow More, Do Less!

Why choose precision irrigation for your potatoes?

  • Superior watering and nutrition
    Drip is a precise water/nutrient delivery system that irrigates the plant's root zone, not the soil
  • High flexibility and versatility
    Drip adapts to almost any field size, shape or topography
  • Comprehensive coverage
    Drip uniformly irrigates nearly 100% of the field
  • Effective weed control
    Drip leaves a drier soil surface that reduces weed growth
  • Low plant stress
    Drip maintains consistent soil moisture levels that reduce soil cracking and promote dense, active root zones
  • Easy operation and maintenance
    Drip can be offered as a serviced system by Netafim approved partners

Drip Delivers:

  • High, quality yields
  • Low water usage
  • Low energy usage
  • Low input costs
  • Consistent Long-lasting performance

Things we often get asked:

Growers stories

Meet the people pioneering precision irrigation


Drip Irrigation

Drip Irrigation Contractors and Farmers, East Anglia UK

UK dripperlines providers and fresh potato farmers tell us how drip irrigation brings major benefits to their businesses.

Andrew Howseman

Andrew Howseman

Andrew Howseman, Drip System Contractor and Operator, East of England, UK

"Potato growers are seeing drip irrigation bringing important benefits to their businesses"

Want to improve your fresh potato yields?

Want to improve your fresh potato yields?

Talk to our expert now.