
Typhoon™ Plus

If you’re irrigating row crops on flat terrain, and you need to balance performance and profitability, Typhoon Plus™ hits the mark. The world’s best thin-wall drip Line with the industry’s lowest flow rates gets the job done effectively and economically year after year.


Why Typhoon™ Plus?

  • SUPERB CLOGGING RESISTANCE: Best-in-category anti-clogging technology ensures optimal delivery of water and nutrients even with poor quality water.
  • LOWER FLOW RATES, LOWER CAPEX: Run longer laterals with the same diameters, without adding submain or diminishing cropping area – thanks to the lowest flow rate in the industry.
  • BETTER CROP YIELDS: Ultra-low flow rates result in better water and nutrient availability for healthier crops.
  • EXCELLENT ROI: An economical choice for commodity and broad acre crops on flat topographies with no compromise on performance.


Need help finding the best solution for your farm?

Need help finding the best solution for your farm?

Get in touch, and we’ll be happy to talk about what your crop needs.